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Industrial Insights

Containment Solutions for Industrial, Commercial, and Life-Safety

Useful Applications for Frac Tanks in Oil Refineries
Useful Applications for Frac Tanks in Oil Refineries Frac Tanks
September 15, 2017

Useful Applications for Frac Tanks in Oil Refineries

In addition to the typical uses of acid tanks to store and transport fracking waste, frac tanks are often utilized in other industries because of their affordability, versatility, and portability. Here are several alternative uses for frac tanks in refinery operations, in both temporary and permanent capacities. Planned Refinery Maintenance Frac tanks can be used as temporary bypasses, pump stations, and storage solutions for refinery maintenance operations. Cooling Tower Cleaning A frac tank can store the water, chemicals, or both that are used to clean refinery cooling towers. Temporary Tank Storage Frac tanks can be used as temporary storage tanks…
Top 3 Alternative Oil & Gas Uses for Frac Tanks Frac Tanks
September 5, 2017

Top 3 Alternative Oil & Gas Uses for Frac Tanks

Aside from the normal frac usage for which the tanks were designed, frac tanks are now being utilized extensively in the oil and gas industry for a variety of purposes. Here are some of the top alternative uses for frac tanks. Produced Water Containment The United States currently generates 15-20 billion barrels of produced water annually from energy exploration and extraction activities. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that every barrel of oil generated globally produces an average of three barrels of water. When an oil & gas project produces water, one option for storage is to create a fixed…
Test Oil Containers for Leaks - Lifting Equipment
How to Test Your Oil Containers for Leaks Frac Tanks
August 24, 2017

How to Test Your Oil Containers for Leaks

Not only is ensuring that your oil tanks are leak-free the right thing to do, but it's also a requirement according to EPA standards. If you have aboveground bulk storage containers, you must first establish a baseline condition for each and then develop an adequate program for inspection and testing. Establishing a Baseline Condition for Aboveground Containers All inspection and testing programs must begin somewhere. This is your baseline. A container's baseline gives information about the container's current condition relative to the design metal thickness and the metal loss rate from corrosion. Inspection requirements will vary, but most onsite oil…
Frac Tanks Benefits
Frac Water Treatment Benefits Containment SystemsFrac Tanks
August 18, 2017

Frac Water Treatment Benefits

As the fracking industry continues to evolve and expand, the demands on the surrounding water supplies will also grow. Along with this, there will be a need to process even larger volumes of produced frac water. The hydraulic fracturing process requires between 3 to 5 million gallons of fluid per well. That fluid consists of a mixture that is 98% water and sand, with the remaining elements being chemical additives that have specific functions in the process. The additives in frac water include several that are classified as hazardous substances, which complicates the handling of frac water. While hauling frac…
Frac Tanks Alternative Uses
Alternative Uses for Frac Tanks in the Oil & Gas and Pipeline Industries Frac Tanks
August 18, 2017

Alternative Uses for Frac Tanks in the Oil & Gas and Pipeline Industries

Oil and gas developers introduced fracking as a means to release hydrocarbons as efficiently as possible. Fracking is mostly responsible for this country’s surging oil and gas production over the past half-century or more. Hydraulic fracturing involves tapping tight rock formations such as shale by drilling deeply below the surface (a mile or more). A mixture of water, sand, and other additives are pumped into the drilled well at high pressure, which creates small fractures in the rock. A frac tank is a large mobile storage vessel used to store the acid integral to the fracking process. Tanks are generally…
Why Acid Tanks Leak
Why Do Oilfield Acid Tanks Leak? Containment SystemsFrac Tanks
August 11, 2017

Why Do Oilfield Acid Tanks Leak?

One of the larger challenges associated with the modern hydraulic fracturing process is what to do with all that acid and other chemicals. Though the extraction method has been beneficial for natural gas and oil production, industry officials want to make sure it also has a minimal impact on the environment. So research continues into safer methods for storage and transportation of the acid and other corrosive chemicals and additives that can be contained in the fracking fluid. Recovered acid, water, and fuel are typically stored in frac tanks near the wells since the material can often be used and recycled.…